TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Your thinking of the one below the MC. This one sits tucked
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Subject Your thinking of the one below the MC. This one sits tucked
Posted by MAD_96TT(ATX) on October 26, 2009 at 9:58 PM
  This message has been viewed 523 times.
In Reply To That's the PRVR solenoid. I know theres a vacuum line that posted by Eric(NJ) on October 26, 2009 at 09:38 PM
Message away under the throttle body, close to the turbo intake pipe.

Don't know if this helps or not...


Thanks for your help!

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"Like a retired James Bond, the Z exudes an air of understated class." ------> Sports Compact Car Magazine

"She's always wet and hot and purrs when I slide inside of her. She screams when I put my foot down and isn't too hard to control. She is usually straight but she slides her rear out when I ask her too. Always gives me a boost. Stays with me and leaves the other guys behind. She is even more fun when her top is free. Sometimes a friend will join in, male or female, and we both enjoy her. Plus she is a non smoker...what more can you ask for?" ------> scottyfender

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